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Article 6: Surviving the holiday season

The holiday season can be detriment to us if we allow it to be. All of the parties that offer a variety of sweet treats and foods, and of course the million and one “obligations” that come along with the holidays can take us away from our normal routine of meal prepping and frequent visits to the box (gym). As challenging as it may be to stick to your usual regimen, I encourage you have to find a way to make it work for YOU.

Make time to workout

This is very important; vastly for you physically, but even more so for your mental health. Holiday parties, shopping/lines, (family time) can be stressful, so set aside some time for you. Something that can help this is taking a little extra time to schedule your day to ensure you will leave yourself time to come to the box and get your workout in. But if for some reason, you can’t make it to the box, don’t sweat it, I have included six “at-home” WODs ranging from 7-minutes to 30-minutes. Choose one, hit it hard, call it a day and earn that tamale.

OPTION 1: 20min EMOM

Even: 60 Double Unders

Odd: 12 Burpees

OPTION 2: 30min Run

OPTION 3: 30-20-10

Air Squats

Push Ups

Sit Ups

OPTION 4: 21min Run

Every 3:00 stop & Perform

10 Push Ups

10 Air Squats

OPTION 5: 3 Rounds

400m Run

100m Lunge



Holiday Nutrition

Don’t go crazy! For each meal strive to eat proteins, some carbohydrates and some fats. With that being said, enjoy your family, enjoy SOME sweets and enjoy the holidays.

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